Gamification Control Tower
06/08/2024 12:13 pm
Topic starter
Three questions about the Gamification Control Tower
- Is there anyway for students to see just their current rank/gold/status without seeing or being compared to other students? I don't necessarily want to have a public display showing students that are not doing well.
- Is it possible to add in a "store" that the students will be able to purchase items with their gold and when they do it will automatically subtract the cost from their totals?
- For badges- is it possible to include actual pictures of badges that the students will be able to earn and view their collection?
Thank you!
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Also, if you want to use a different word instead of guild or house is there one place you change that and then it updates everywhere? Or do you have to manually change it in all places?
By Dov Levinson Topic starter
15/08/2024 10:32 am
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