Building A Better Approach to PD
At EMC² Learning, we're serious about helping teachers discover new and innovative ways to make practical shifts to a more student-centered style of instruction. But we know that real growth takes time. And teachers deserve more than a one-shot workshop when they're looking to keep their classes engaged all year long.
Let's change the game. Together.
EMC² Learning blends high-energy in-person training events, online instructional coaching and support, and on-demand access 24/7 to an ever expanding library of more than 600 fully editable classroom resources.
In short: it's a better way to play.

Where Fun Meets Fundamentals
We believe that teachers deserve high quality PD, and students deserve lessons that can engage and inspire them. Join the Engagement Engineer community to start changing the game in your classroom and see why thousands of educators are falling in love with playful pedagogy every year.
Traditional PD Rate of Implementation
Most teachers only experience traditional, workshop-based professional development, but the workshop model’s track record for changing teachers’ practice and student achievement is abysmal. Short, one-shot workshops often don’t change teacher practice and have no effect on student achievement.
– National School Boards Association’s Center for Public Education
EMC² Learning Annual Rate of Renewal
EMC² Learning provides member teachers with 24/7 access to an ever-expanding library of resources, self-paced instructional videos, and a robust calendar of virtual coaching events. Every activity is fully editable. And new content is being added every week, so there’s always a reason to come back and play with us again and again.
– Explore Case Studies from EMC² Learning Engagement Engineers

They say that your favorite class is the one that you like the most. But your best class is the one where you learn the most. At EMC² Learning, we’ll teach you a better way to play, and help your class be both of those things. For every single student. Every. Single. Day.
We believe that providing students with resources that model and embody the core principles of Growth Mindset can be transformative for learners of all ages. As Carol Dweck writes, "Becoming is better than being: no matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.”
Where most traditional edtech solutions create automated game-like softwares driven by machine scoring and rapid response to multiple choice style questions, EMC² Learning resources challenge students to fuse content knowledge with creativity to reach an ever-evolving personal best.
Each of the resources developed by EMC² Learning is carefully designed to maximize student engagement through an ever-evolving balance of skill and strategy. By helping students tap into the elusive state of Flow, teachers are able to create joyful, thought-provoking lessons that invite repeated play.
Engineered For Peak Performance
EMC² Learning’s resources use playful design to challenge students to go beyond basic fact recall and make use of their equally important creative problem solving abilities and critical thinking skills.
Authentic engagement challenges students to fuse content knowledge with creativity, pushes learners to increase time spent in those highest orders of thinking, and rewards thoughtful, authentic mastery of curricular transfer skills.
EMC² Learning’s student centered, feedback focused engagement strategies are designed to help teachers maximize the amount of time that their learners spend in those highest levels of thinking. Classrooms become places of joy, enthusiasm, and deep learning — made possible through pedagogical approaches that help students and teachers alike build confidence and capacity with each new day.

Whether you’re planning a single-day workshop or an ongoing PD series, we offer a full complement of training and support services to provide everything you’ll need to know on how, when, where, and why student-centered teaching techniques can be modified to fit into your specific classroom.
From inspirational, big picture keynotes built to captivate an auditorium of thousands, to full day workshops that blend heart and humor to fire up a faculty of only a few dozen, EMC² Learning helps you do your next event right.
Enjoy a full year of access to dozens of self-paced video skill builder courses and live virtual coaching events, and master all sorts of techniques to help you make student-centered instruction come to life in your classroom.
Turn theory into practice with on-demand access to more than 600 fully editable resources. Each activity is low prep for teachers and high energy for students, and can quickly be adapted for any course or content area.