Since opening our doors in March of 2021, EMC² Learning has been committed to playing with purpose and helping passionate educators around the world get their hands on student centered, feedback focused engagement strategies. Our mission is simple: create high quality resources that are easy to use and fully editable for any course or content area, and share these activities with our dynamic community of Engagement Engineers to help them start creating real, positive changes in their classrooms no matter what subject area they teach.
At launch, the site was home to just north of 200 fully editable classroom activities and resources. And today, we are thrilled to announce that the EMC² Learning platform is officially home to just over 500 different ways to play — and there is no end in sight!
If you’re already a member of the EMC² Learning community, we simply cannot thank you enough. Annual site membership helps make this awesome work possible, and we are thrilled to see and hear so many success stories of teachers who have made their classrooms a wonderful home to playful pedagogy and the student-centered resources that we are able to provide thanks to your continued support. And if you’re new to EMC² Learning – welcome! There is a lot to take in, and more and more to fall in love with each and every day.
EMC² Learning’s commitment to helping hardworking teachers offer meaningful choices in their classrooms extends far beyond simple “palette swap” variants of the exact same activities presented with multiple themes. After all, playful pedagogy shouldn’t be limited to simple review days, right?
Inside the EMC² Learning platform you’ll find dozens of sub-categories and activity collections that can quickly be leveraged into any stage of your lesson planning. So whether you’re looking to Lose the Lecture or throw your students a curveball with a high-energy Alternative Assessment, we’ve got plenty of resources to help you get the job done with creative solutions that are ready to roll.
We know that one-size-fits-all teaching doesn’t work, and “the game of school” is in serious need of a hard reset. But far too many edtech products merely offer shallow, brightly colored multiple choice “games” that are really no more than 21st century Scantron exams. Here at EMC² Learning, we wholeheartedly believe that students simply deserve a better way to play — and we provide resources to help passionate teachers tap into the power of playful lesson design to create the kinds of activities that learners of any age will want to experience again and again.
Looking for a specific resource? With an ever-expanding library of more than 500 fully editable classroom activities on the EMC² Learning platform (and counting!), Lighting Fast Filters are a fantastic way to drill down specific activities by all kinds of handy sub-categories including resource type, amount of prep required, and the number of personal devices that are needed to get your students playing with purpose in record time.
It’s no secret that hard-working teachers are pressed for time, and student interests can vary wildly based on all sorts of variables that extend far beyond the walls of our classrooms. As the popularity of all kinds of new seasons, entertainment franchises, and trending topics seem to disappear nearly as quickly as they arrive, keeping tabs on what’s “cool” can be a full time job (do the kids even say “cool” anymore?!). That’s why EMC² Learning is proud to offer multiple themes for many of our core resources to help teachers pick just the right activity to make a splash with their students. Maximum engagement with minimal prep? Now that’s a game changer.
When you become an Engagement Engineer you get immediate access to everything that’s already inside the site. That means you’ll have 24/7/365 to our entire resource library – just like you can watch full seasons of binge-worthy TV shows available on your favorite streaming service.
If you’re looking for the ultimate level of playful pedagogy, the EMC² Learning Creative Corps combines everything you love about being an Engagement Engineer with premier access to dozens of live-streamed, members-only coaching events throughout the year – making it our most robust level of membership yet. Get real-time feedback, advice on actual lessons from your classroom, and on-demand streaming opportunities thanks to an ever-expanding video archive with new events all year long.
From the moment you become a member, you’ll be able to hit the ground running with an endless supply of ideas no matter when you join the fun.
Perhaps the most exciting part about the EMC² resource library is that we are constantly updating it with new products and activities. As Walt Disney once said: “Around here we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” That means your annual membership unlocks instant access to everything on the site — plus a steady stream of more templates, more coaching events, and a full year of access to a community of like-minded educators who are passionate about changing the game of school for the better.
The activities featured in this blog post are just a handful of the 500+ resources available in the EMC² Learning library. This entire library is available to Engagement Engineers and members of the Creative Corps, and is included with your annual site membership. We hope you’ll consider joining us as an Engagement Engineer to unlock a full year of site access. For complete details including our exclusive limited time offer for annual site membership, click here.