Farewell to Microsoft Flip? Say it ain’t so!!!
Whether you call it Flipgrid, Flip, or “that really cool video platform that my students used to film themselves and share their thoughts” –educators around the world know full well how powerful any pedagogy that amplifies student voice can be. But last week the good people at Microsoft announced that “in order to streamline the number of apps educators need to use in their classroom and integrate Flip into more natural assignment rhythms, we […] will be retiring our web site and mobile apps by September 30, 2024.”
And for teachers and students everywhere, Microsoft’s decision to all but shutter the full functionality of the Flip interface is both a heartbreaker AND a major headache. Sadly, the impending demise of Flip is just the latest in what seems to be a never ending line of “here today, gone tomorrow” edtech products that disappear right when our classrooms come to depend on them the most.
💔 Classcraft (2024)
💔 Jamboard (2024)
💔 Scribble Diffusion (2024)
💔 Edmodo (2022)
💔 Today’s Meet (2018)
💔 Zaption (2016)
The list goes on and on. And for so many of us who have worked so hard to incorporate many of these new technologies into our classrooms, their disappearances end up forcing us to radically restructure entire lesson plans and beyond — which can typically result in HOURS of lost lesson planning time and entire school years of lost student work products!
That’s why here at EMC² Learning, we take a completely different approach: rather than requiring teachers to load up fancy new edtech products or spend hours learning all the intricate ins and outs of how to navigate each newfangled computer platform, we commit ourselves instead to helping educators learn cutting edge teaching techniques that can withstand the test of time. At EMC² Learning, we believe in the power of play. We show you PRACTICAL SHIFTS that can help you to change the game in your classroom — and we give you all the tools, templates, and resources for you to start making real, meaningful changes without any fancy technologies required. What’s more — every resource in our library is fully editable for any course or content area.
And with more than 700+ playful pedagogies available on demand in the EMC² Learning platform, there’s zero need to worry that a total dependence on any fancy edtech website will ever cause all of your hard work to go to waste.
If you’re already an Engagement Engineer, rest easy. Your support makes the work we do possible, and we are committed to offering top quality teaching resources that will never be subject to the whims of any one particular technology.
And if you’re not yet an Engagement Engineer — what are you waiting for!? Spend this summer investing in hundreds of creative ways to teach and learn, and start the school year off with all sorts of innovative lessons that are built to last no matter what curveballs the wild world of edtech might ever throw our way.
The activities featured in this blog post are just a handful of the 700+ resources available in the EMC² Learning library. This entire library is available to Engagement Engineers and members of the Creative Corps, and is included with your annual site membership. We hope you’ll consider joining us as an Engagement Engineer to unlock a full year of site access. For complete details including our exclusive limited time offer for annual site membership, click here.